The root element of format.wwfmt is <Format />. The child elements are <Pipelines> and <Capabilities>. See example 3 for sample code.
The <Pipelines> element is a container element for the <Pipeline> elements that define the steps needed to generate the format. The only child element of the <Pipelines> element is <Pipeline>.
The <Pipeline> element is a container element for the <Depends> and <Stage> elements which comprise a given segment of output files needed to generate a format. This element requires a name attribute so that it can be identified by <Depends> elements within other <Pipeline> elements. The <Pipeline> element contains the following child elements:
This element specifies which other <Pipeline> elements the current <Pipeline> requires to complete its task. Including a <Depends> elemen t in a pipeline is the only way to ensure a Pipeline does not execute before another Pipeline on which it depends. The ePublisher Designer engine calculates at run time the order in which each Pipeline will run.
This element identifies an action to perform and specifies a configuration for the action. The action is identified via the type and action attributes, usually an XSL stylesheet, and the configuration is defined with <Parameter> elements. These <parameter> elements define what is to be worked on, what will be created, and what else should be done with the result.
With the exception of Global Files and GlobalProject, all parameters passed to XSL transforms are strings. Global Files and Global Project are node-sets which have already been loaded.
The <Capabilities> element contains only the child element <Capability> which defines information regarding what types of technologies or features a format supports.
<Capability name="merge-context" value="false" />
<Pipeline name="CompanyInfo">
<Stage type="xsl" action="wwtransform:common/companyinfo/companyinfo.xsl">
<!-- Pull in Company Info .fti file -->
<!-- -->
<Pipeline name="DocumentBehaviors">
<Stage type="xsl" action="wwtransform:common/behaviors/document.xsl">
<Parameter name="ParameterDropDowns" value="false" />
<Parameter name="ParameterPopups" value="false" />
<Stage type="xsl" action="wwtransform:common/behaviors/pullup.xsl">
<Parameter name="ParameterDropDowns" value="false" />
<Parameter name="ParameterPopups" value="false" />
Example 3: Sample Code Illustrating Child Elements, Attributes, and Values in the format.wwfmt file
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Last modified date: 08/16/2017