Authoring Source Documents » Microsoft Word » Checklist: Preparing Word Source Documents
Checklist: Preparing Word Source Documents
Use the following checklist to help you prepare your Microsoft Word source documents.
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1. Review the online features you can implement and verify which online features your Stationery supports.
2. Obtain your latest templates and apply the templates to your source documents.
3. Install the WebWorks Transit Menu for Microsoft Word.
4. Review any tables in your source documents and prepare your tables for output generation as needed.
5. Review any images in your source documents and prepare your images for output generation.
6. If you want to include an index, prepare your source files for index generation.
7. If you want to use variables, insert variables in your source documents.
8. If you want to use conditions, apply conditions to content in your source documents.
9. If you want to specify file names for output files, insert Filename markers in your source documents.
10. If you want to create context-sensitive help, insert TopicAlias markers in your source documents.
11. If you want to create popup windows, insert hyperlinks and then insert Popup markers or apply Popup paragraph styles to content in your source documents.
12. If you want to create expand/collapse sections, apply the Expand/Collapse paragraph style and insert DropDownEnd markers in your source documents.
13. If you want to create related topics, apply the Related Topics paragraph style to content in your source documents.
14. If you want to create See Also links, insert SeeAlso markers in your source documents.
15. If you want to create meta tag keywords for pages, insert Keywords markers in your source documents.
16. If you want to use multiple page designs, insert PageStyle markers in your source documents.
17. If you want to create What’s This Help, also known as field-level help, insert WhatIsThisID markers in your source documents.
18. If you want to open certain topics in a custom window, insert WindowType markers in your source documents.
19. If you want to customize the table of contents icons for specific topics, insert TOCIcon markers in your source documents.
20. If you want to specify context plug-ins for Eclipse help systems, insert Context Plugin markers in your source documents.
21. If you want to create accessible online content, insert the appropriate markers and apply the appropriate paragraph formats and character formats to images, tables, abbreviations, acronyms, and citations in your source documents.
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Last modified date: 12/09/2021