Deleting Variables in Word
Delete a variable in a Microsoft Word source document when you no longer want to use the variable. Before you delete a variable, ensure you search for the variable and delete or replace all references to the variable. If your source document still contains a reference to a variable after you delete it, Microsoft Word displays errors in places where a reference to a deleted variable still exists.
The following procedure provides an example of how to delete variables in Microsoft Word source documents using Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010.
To delete a variable in a Microsoft Word source document
1. Open the Microsoft Word source document that contains the variable you want to delete.
2. Press Alt+F9 to display all field codes in the source document.
3. Search for and replace all references to the variable you want to delete.
4. On the File menu, click Info
5. Click Properties and select Advanced Properties
6. On the Custom tab, in the Properties field, select the name of the variable you want to delete in the Name column.
7. Click Delete.
8. Click OK.
9. On the Edit menu, click Select All.
10. Press the F9 key. Microsoft Word updates the fields in your Microsoft Word source document. If there are any fields that reference the deleted variable in your source document, Microsoft Word displays an error message in the field.
11. Search for the word Error in your Microsoft Word source document to verify no references to the deleted variable remain in your source document.
12. Save your Microsoft Word source document.
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Last modified date: 12/09/2021