Designing Stationery » Customizing Eclipse Help » Using Markers to Specify Topic Descriptions for Context-Sensitive Help Topics in Eclipse Help
Using Markers to Specify Topic Descriptions for Context-Sensitive Help Topics in Eclipse Help
In Eclipse Help, you can specify the topic description you want to display for each context-sensitive link. When you use a TopicAlias marker to create context-sensitive links, Eclipse creates a contexts.xml file that lists all of the context IDs for the Eclipse Help system you created using TopicAlias markers. In the context.xml file, Eclipse also provides a description of the context-sensitive link. By default, the description Eclipse provides for the context-sensitive link is the text of the first paragraph of the topic. However, if you want to specify a different description for the context-sensitive link, you can do this by using the TopicDescription marker.
To enable specifying topic descriptions for context-sensitive help topics in Eclipse Help, you need to enable the TopicDescription marker. By default, ePublisher sets the Marker type option for a marker named TopicDescription to TopicDescription. You can create a marker with a different name and set the Marker type option for that marker to TopicDescription. Then, writers can use this marker in the source documents to specify topic descriptions for each of context-sensitive help topics in their project.
To assign topic description behavior to topic description markers
1. Open your Stationery design project.
2. On the View menu, click Style Designer.
3. In the Marker Styles, select the marker style you want to modify.
4. On the Options tab, set Marker type to TopicDescription.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021