Designing Stationery » Customizing WebWorks Reverb 2.0 » Incorporating Google Analytics for Your Reverb 2.0 Files
Incorporating Google Analytics for Your Reverb 2.0 Files
WebWorks Reverb 2.0 is not only a fully functional help system for your content, it’s also a collection of distinct web page files that can be viewed individually on a website. In fact, you can very easily share URLs of individual page files from your Reverb 2.0 help system. These URLs will load just like a single web page within a browser. While this is very nice from an end-user perspective, because the load times are very minimal, it is even better from a publisher perspective. Simply put, you can now easily track the usage patterns and frequencies of all your Reverb 2.0 help pages, which is where the value of Google Analytics comes in; all you have to do is either determine the appropriate Google Analytics Account ID that your website is currently using (if Google Analytics has already been setup for your website), or create a Google Analytics Account which will then provide a unique identifier for your website or website path.
Once you have obtained the appropriate Google Analytics Account ID, then you simply set your ePublisher project’s target setting located at: Analytics > Google Tracking ID.
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Last modified date: 11/29/2022