Designing Stationery » Customizing WebWorks Reverb 2.0 » Customizing Icons in Your Reverb 2.0 Output Using Font Awesome
Customizing Icons in Your Reverb 2.0 Output Using Font Awesome
In WebWorks Reverb 2.0, all icons in the output can be configured to use another icon that is a part of Font Awesome's 5.15.4 package. In Reverb 2.0, all icons are injected to the output by using a unique character code defined by Font Awesome.
The icons can be found in the file _icons.scss.
Steps to customize a font awesome icon:
1. Create a format or target override for the file _icons.scss.
2. Open _icons.scss in a text editor.
3. Open the Font Awesome cheatsheet. You can use the cheatsheet found on the web.
Cheatsheet web location:
4. Find the 4-character code for the icon that is to be used.
Note: The web cheatsheet's character codes look like: f2bb. You only need the 4 characters starting at 'f'.
5. Find the variable for the icon that is to be changed.
6. Change the value of the variable to the new character code, wrapped in quotes with a leading backslash, ex: \f2bb.
7. Save the file and generate a new Reverb 2.0 output.
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Last modified date: 11/29/2022