Blogs and Agile

Reflections on the agile nature of blogging as a marketing mechanism and its impact on the business world. Discusses the relationship between Agile methodology, blogs, wikis, ePublisher, and Web 2.0.

by Alan Porter
August 28, 2008

I'm glad we are getting some recognition for our blogging efforts, which leads me to a few thoughts for the end of August.

So now it seems that even Marketing has gone “Agile”. I think having a blog as a company marketing mechanism is very agile and is a big change from traditional marketing techniques that require significant investigative, planning, and implementation phases that are very expensive and SLOW. Or at least not taking into account that these phases must be a relatively narrow interval of the overall time frame to achieve the larger goal (i.e. grow market share).

I remember in my early days at this company, the ATI folks would always hammer me with statements like: “you have to start your marketing initiatives a year in advance of the release”. Maybe that was true back then because not much was agile and getting yourself in a channel required significant advanced lead time. I remember having to submit an editorial topic a year ahead of the product release when we didn't even know if half of what we presented would even matter.

I believe this is more than just the packaging-for-business of a powerful methodology but becoming a business prerequisite for dealing with the shear speed of change in all sectors of business. Of course, the importance of being fast is not new. Tom Peters wrote back in the 80s that: “either get fast or go broke.”

With RoundUp and our Agile messaging soon to come, I think we can get ourselves some recognition in this space as well. “Agile is not just for your dev team…”

Another thought:

Agile is the umbrella under which you have many useful tools and practices now making headlines: i.e. wiki, blog, ePublisher…

I even like this better than using “Web 2.0” as the umbrella because I believe Agile represents the more substantial component or “secret sauce” of what makes “Web 2.0” actually deliver value. Do you think collaboration would occur without it? Maybe “Web 2.0” is a result of “Agile” tools and trends?